Data-Driven Triumph: First-Party Data Strategy in 6 Steps

Learn how to easily harness the power of first-party data strategy in marketing. Collect insights, personalize campaigns, and thrive in a cookie-less world.

Alison Wyss
Content Marketing Manager

In the era of personalized marketing, understanding your customers on a deeper level is the key to success. And harnessing the power of first-party customer data is the foundation to unlock many marketing opportunities. For marketers, first-party customer data is, in essence, a goldmine. Tapping into it gives companies the ability to go beyond generic marketing campaigns and establish genuine connections with their audience.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of migrating to first-party customer data. Moreover, we'll show you why it's a game-changer for your business. But what exactly is first-party customer data, and why should it be the cornerstone of your marketing efforts? Let’s briefly explore the concept before moving on to the first-party data strategy.

What is first-party data in marketing?

First-party data is the treasure trove of information collected directly from your valued customers or users. It's the real deal —the data points that matter. From email addresses and purchase history to website interactions and customer preferences, first-party data encompasses the insights that can fuel your marketing campaigns. Unlike third-party data, which relies on external sources, first-party data is entirely owned and controlled by your company. With this invaluable resource of reliable data, unlocking the doors of personalization is easier than ever.

According to an Anteriad study, 45% of marketers are still relying on third-party providers for their data. And 44% of them state that their biggest challenge is getting data that is actually reliable and complete. On the other hand, marketers that collect their data with first-party solutions don't have to struggle with this because their data is completely trustworthy and dependable. Moreover, 43% of marketers who are using reliable data to reach their target audiences have seen a significant increase in company revenue last year. This is to say, when you employ trustworthy data (or the "right data" as Anteriad calls it), it's easier to create effective experiences and connections with your customers, and it's more likely to lead to increased revenue.

Ready to dive deeper? Let's continue!

Drawing shows a man using first-party customer data for better marketing outcomes

Why is first-party data important?

First-party data offers several key advantages for marketers. The most crucial aspect to consider here is the fact that third-party cookies are being phased out. In 2022, companies like Apple, Google and Mozilla announced their strategies to address user privacy concerns. They announced that they would be gradually eliminating support for third-party cookies in their web browsers.

So, by the end of 2023, companies won’t be able to rely on third-party sites to gather customer data. Instead, they have to adapt to this new reality and learn how to collect first-party data. But let’s talk a little bit more about “Why is first-party data important?”.

It allows you to build direct relationships with your customers. By understanding their preferences, behaviors, and interests, you can create personalized experiences that resonate with them. This, in turn, leads to improved customer loyalty, higher engagement, and increased conversion rates.

What’s more, first-party data enhances your targeting capabilities. With accurate and reliable data, you can segment your audience more effectively. This will ensure that your marketing messages reach the right people at the right time. By delivering relevant content and offers, you can maximize the impact of your campaigns and drive better results.

How to collect first-party data.

Collecting first-party data requires a strategic approach. Here are some effective methods to gather this valuable resource:

  • Implement data capture mechanisms: Place data capture forms strategically on your website. These can vary from subscription forms and lead generation forms to feedback surveys. Offer incentives, like exclusive content or discounts, to encourage users to share their information willingly.
  • Leverage customer accounts: Encourage customers to create accounts or log in using social media profiles. This not only simplifies the user experience but also provides you with valuable data about their preferences and behaviors.
  • Use tracking pixels and cookies: Incorporate tracking pixels and cookies to collect data on user interactions, such as page visits, clicks and conversions. Of course, you should ensure compliance with privacy regulations and clearly communicate your data collection practices to users.  
  • Leverage CRM and marketing automation tools: Integrate Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and marketing automation platforms to consolidate and analyze first-party data effectively. These tools provide insights into customer behavior, purchase history and engagement patterns, enabling personalization in your marketing efforts.

First-party data strategy: A blueprint for marketing success.

A well-executed first-party data strategy can be a game-changer for your marketing efforts. Ready to take the plunge? Let's dive into the steps that will help you successfully migrate to a first-party data strategy.

1. Assess your current data landscape.

Start by evaluating your existing data sources, both online and offline. This comprehensive evaluation will help you identify any gaps and areas for improvement. The more you understand your data landscape, the better foundation you can lay.

2. Develop a data governance framework.

Establishing a robust data governance framework is essential. This framework sets the guidelines for data collection, storage, and usage within your organization. Ensure compliance with privacy regulations, prioritize data security and define clear protocols for handling and protecting customer data. Also, be transparent with your website users about your data collection.

3. Optimize data collection touchpoints.

Review and optimize your data capture mechanisms across various touchpoints, such as your website, social media channels and mobile apps. Implement intuitive and user-friendly forms that encourage customers to willingly share their information. You can do this by offering them things like special discounts in exchange for their info.  

4. Consolidate and centralize data.

Integrate your data sources into a centralized repository, such as a CRM system or a CDP (Customer Data Platform). This allows for a unified view of your customers, enabling you to effectively analyze and leverage your first-party data. With a complete picture of your customers, you can fuel your marketing campaigns with personalized messaging that truly resonates.

5. Segment and personalize.

Leverage your first-party data to segment your audience based on demographics, preferences and behaviors. When you understand your customers on a granular level, you can tailor your marketing messages to deliver personalized experiences. This targeted approach creates a stronger connection with your audience and boosts engagement and conversion rates.

6. Iterate and refine.

Successful first-party data strategies are built on continuous improvement. Monitor and analyze your data to uncover trends, insights, and opportunities. Use this valuable information to refine your marketing strategies and optimize your campaigns for better results. With data-driven insights guiding your decision-making, you'll be able to iterate and refine your approach effectively.

By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to harnessing the power of first-party customer data and unlocking its potential for your marketing success. Embrace the opportunities it offers and watch your campaigns flourish.

Graphic shows a marketer using a first-party data strategy


Considering that third-party cookies are being phased out this year, using first-party customer data is no longer a choice but a necessity. With this invaluable resource, you can build stronger relationships with your customers, enhance your targeting capabilities and drive better marketing outcomes.

Remember, collecting first-party data is an ongoing process. Stay informed about evolving trends and regulations, adapt your strategies accordingly, and always prioritize the privacy and trust of your customers.

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