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CXM Glossary

Welcome to Conexio's CXM Glossary, your compass in the world of Customer Experience Management. Whether you're new to the CXM scene or a seasoned pro, we've got you covered.

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Why get lost in the maze of CXM buzzwords? Our CXM Glossary is your shortcut to understanding the what's-what of CXM. So, dive in and unlock the secrets to exceptional customer experience, the Conexio way. Your journey starts here, at the CXM Glossary.

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Brand Advocacy - What does brand advocacy mean?

Brand advocacy refers to the act of clients/users voluntarily promoting or endorsing a brand, service or product based on their positive experiences and loyalty. Simply put, it’s when customers become enthusiastic advocates who share their love and support for a brand with others.

So, what does brand advocacy mean exactly? It means that satisfied and loyal customers can become powerful brand ambassadors, willingly recommending and promoting the brand to their friends, family, coworkers, etc.

Brand advocacy can manifest through various forms, including positive reviews, word-of-mouth recommendations, social media posts, testimonials, and referrals. It is a highly valuable asset for companies as it builds trust, expands brand reach, and influences the purchasing decisions of potential customers.

Of course, customers’ advocacy for a brand doesn’t just happen on its own. Contrarywise, it’s driven by exceptional customer experiences, strong brand affinity, and genuine satisfaction. In other words, it’s the CX that businesses deliver to their clients that has the potential to create and boost brand advocacy.

Customer Data Platform

CDPs, which stands for Customer Data Platforms, are software systems that aggregate, organize, and manage customer data from various sources to create unified customer profiles. It's like a centralized hub that enables companies to gain a comprehensive view of their customers.

Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) integrate data from different channels and touchpoints, such as website interactions, email engagement, social media behavior, and purchase history. Essentially, these platforms help businesses deliver personalized experiences and relevant marketing campaigns by consolidating data into individual customer profiles.

CDPs play a critical role in Customer Experience Management (CXM) as they give brands the opportunity to better understand their customers, anticipate their needs, and tailor interactions accordingly. So, through the use of CDPs companies can enhance customer engagement, retention, and loyalty while driving growth and overall revenue.

Clickstream Data

Clickstream data refers to the recorded information about the sequence of user interactions and clicks within a website or digital platform. Simply put, it’s a digital trail that captures the path users take as they navigate through different pages and elements in a digital platform.

To define clickstream data, we can say that it's the collection of data that includes details such as the pages visited, the time spent on each page, the order of interactions, and the actions performed by users. Clickstream data is relevant to companies because it can provide valuable insights into user behavior, preferences and patterns.

Businesses use clickstream data to gain a deeper understanding of user engagement, conversion paths, and even areas of improvement within their digital properties. What's more, this type of customer data can help optimize website navigation, identify friction points and inform data-driven decisions to enhance the overall user experience.

Conversion Rate in Marketing

Conversion rate, in the context of marketing, refers to the percentage of visitors or users who take a desired action or complete a specific goal out of the total number of visitors or users. To companies, it’s one of the most relevant metrics because it measures the effectiveness of marketing efforts in terms of generating desired outcomes.

To define conversion rate in marketing, it's the ratio of conversions (such as purchases, sign-ups, or downloads) to the total number of visitors or users. Conversion rate is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) that helps brands evaluate the success of their marketing campaigns and website or app performance.

Moreover, businesses can identify areas for improvement, refine their marketing strategies, and enhance user experiences by monitoring their conversion rates. A higher conversion rate indicates that a higher percentage of visitors are taking the desired action, resulting in increased engagement, sales, or other desired outcomes.

Customer Acquisition

Customer acquisition refers to the process of attracting and converting new customers to purchase a product or service. It encompasses casting a wide net to reach potential customers and enticing them to choose your brand over competitors. In other words, it stretches out beyond marketing and involves the efforts of other teams such as sales and customer service.

Customer acquisition is highly important because it's what makes a business grow. By implementing effective marketing and sales strategies, companies can expand their customer base and increase revenue. It involves activities such as lead generation, targeting specific customer segments and carefully guiding prospects through the sales funnel.

Moreover, businesses employ many tactics for customer acquisition. These include advertising, content marketing, social media campaigns, and partnerships. The goal is to create awareness, generate interest and convert prospects into paying customers. Through customer acquisition, businesses can fuel their growth, expand their market reach, and strengthen their position in the industry.

Customer Advocacy - What is customer advocacy?

Customer Advocacy refers to the actions and behaviors of satisfied customers who actively promote and recommend a brand, product, or service to others. It's a little bit like having a team of passionate brand ambassadors who genuinely believe in a company’s offerings and willingly share their positive experiences.

But let’s expand on this in case you're still wondering "What is customer advocacy?". Customer advocacy centers around factors that are external to the brand, like word-of-mouth. It's driven by customers who have had exceptional experiences with a brand and become advocates, spreading positive word-of-mouth, writing reviews and recommending the brand to their friends, family and social networks.

3Customer advocacy is invaluable to companies, as it helps to build trust, credibility and brand loyalty. When customers advocate for your brand, they become a powerful marketing force, influencing the purchasing decisions of others. So, while customer advocacy completely depends on your clients, you can nurture customer relationships, prioritize their satisfaction, and deliver outstanding experiences to foster a community of loyal advocates who contribute to your growth.

Customer Churn - what is customer churn?

Customer churn refers to the rate at which customers discontinue their relationship with a company or brand. Simply put, it’s when a client stops buying or using a particular product or service.

Understanding customer churn is crucial for businesses, as it directly impacts their growth and success. By analyzing customer churn, companies can identify patterns, reasons and trends behind customer defection. This valuable insight allows companies to take proactive measures to retain clients, optimize their customer experience and build long-lasting relationships.

So, if you're wondering, "What is customer churn?", it's somewhat like a red flag waving to get a company's attention. By keeping a close eye on customer churn rates issues can be addressed, offerings can be enhanced and, ultimately, the churn can be reduced, ensuring customers stay loyal to the brand.

Customer Centricity - what is customer-centric marketing?

Customer-centricity is a strategic approach where businesses put their customers at the heart of everything they do. It's like turning the spotlight onto the people who matter most —your customers. Imagine crafting your marketing efforts, products and services while keeping their needs, preferences and desires in mind. That's what customer-centricity is all about.

In this era of personalized experiences and empowered consumers, customer-centric marketing has become essential. It's like a secret ingredient that helps businesses build trust, loyalty and long-term relationships with their customers. By truly understanding their pain points, aspirations, motivations, and more, brands can create tailored experiences and offerings that resonate deeply with their target audiences.

But exactly what is customer-centric marketing? Simply put, it's about going the extra mile to provide exceptional service, anticipating customer needs, and delivering value at every touchpoint. When companies embrace customer-centricity, they unlock the potential to not just satisfy customers but to truly delight them. This, in turn, creates a sense of loyalty in consumers, who can even turn into brand advocates, provided the experiences brands deliver are exceptional and tailored to their own needs and desires.

In short, being customer-centric in marketing is a winning strategy to create long-term customers, jump-start revenue, and boost company growth.

Customer Data

Customer data refers to the information and insights that companies collect about their customers through various touchpoints and interactions. You may think of it as a treasure trove of valuable details that allow brands to understand their customers on a deeper level.

When we talk about customer data, we're referring to details such as demographics, purchase history, preferences, behaviors, and interactions. This data can be collected from multiple sources, including website analytics, CRM systems, customer surveys, and social media, among others.

It plays a vital role (and we truly do mean vital) in understanding customer needs, pain points, preferences, and patterns. Companies can make data-driven decisions, personalize experiences, and tailor their offerings to meet individual customer needs on a mass scale, simply by analyzing and interpreting this data.

Something noteworthy is customer data must be handled with care, ensuring privacy and complying with data protection regulations. What's more, it’s important to be transparent with consumers and users about the way in which you store and use their data. This helps build trust in your brand.

Customer Experience (CX)

Customer experience (CX) is the total amount of interactions and experiences across touchpoints the overall a customer has with a particular brand. It's like the sum of all the moments, big and small, that have an impact on how customers feel about a company.

If we were to define customer experience CX, we would say it's like the heart and soul of your brand. It encompasses every single brand-customer interaction, from the first click on your website to the post-purchase support. Customer experience plays a vital role in shaping customers' perceptions, emotions, and ultimately, their loyalty.

When it comes to how we define Customer experience, or CX, it’s important to make a distinction between two very different types of CX: Customer experience in B2C and customer experience in B2B. Let’s explore:

B2B CX vs. B2C CX: Quick definitions.
While both focus on ensuring that customers feel valued, understood and supported throughout their journey with a brand, the first thing to know is that a world of strategies separates them.

Business-to-business customer experience, also known as B2B CX, focuses on the experience that B2B companies provide to their business clients. B2B CX is unique because it involves complex relationships, longer sales cycles, and multiple decision-makers. It’s not just about simple transactional interactions —it's about building strategic partnerships.

In the realm of B2B CX, decision-making is characterized by its intricacy. Unlike B2C, which revolves around a single customer journey and addresses the end consumer, B2B entails dealing with multiple decision-makers. This process of decision-making demands considerable time, involving meticulous evaluations, thorough assessments, and the input of numerous stakeholders.

On the other hand, B2C CX focuses on delivering personalized experiences that meet the needs and preferences of individual consumers. In B2C CX, the decision-making process tends to be simpler compared to B2B. Businesses primarily target individual consumers and aim to provide products or services that directly satisfy their desires or solve their problems. B2C CX often involves shorter sales cycles, as consumers typically make quicker purchasing decisions based on factors like price, convenience, brand reputation, and emotional appeal.

In summary, B2C CX focuses on individual consumers, delivering personalized experiences and often utilizing mass marketing techniques. B2B CX, on the other hand, caters to businesses and involves complex decision-making processes, longer sales cycles, relationship-building, and value-driven interactions

Customer Experience Design - what is customer experience design?

Customer Experience Design (CXD) is the intentional process of crafting meaningful and engaging experiences for customers across all touchpoints and interactions with a brand. It entails crafting remarkable experiences, carefully considering every single detail to create positive emotional connections.

So, what is customer experience design? It's the craft of shaping customer experiences that leave a lasting impression. CXD involves understanding customer needs, desires and expectations, and using that knowledge to design seamless and delightful interactions. It encompasses aspects such as user interface design, usability, personalization, and emotional engagement.

Businesses that want to stand out from the crowd can foster customer loyalty by incorporating, prioritizing and optimizing CX design in their strategies. CXD considers customer feedback, data analysis and industry best practices to continually refine and optimize the customer journey, ensuring that each touchpoint aligns with the brand's values and resonates with customers' emotions.

Customer Experience Management (CXM)

Customer Experience Management (CXM) is the discipline of designing and delivering exceptional experiences across all touchpoints a customer has with a brand. It's like being the architect of unforgettable moments that leave a lasting impression on your customers' hearts and minds.

CXM encompasses every interaction, from the moment a customer discovers your brand to their ongoing engagement and post-purchase support. It goes beyond simply meeting expectations and aims to exceed them, creating meaningful connections and building customer loyalty.

So, what is CXM? It's the art of orchestrating an immersive journey for your customers. By understanding their needs, preferences and emotions at every step, you can craft personalized experiences that resonate deeply.  

CXM involves leveraging data, analytics, customer feedback, and CXM software to continually refine and optimize these experiences, ensuring each touchpoint is delightful, seamless, and aligned with your brand’s promise.

To achieve CXM excellence, businesses need to embrace a customer-centric mindset, align their teams, and leverage technology to capture and leverage insights effectively. By prioritizing CXM, you can differentiate your brand, cultivate customer advocacy, and drive long-term success.

Customer Experience Optimization

CX optimization is the ongoing process of enhancing every aspect of the customer journey to improve satisfaction, loyalty, business outcomes, and company revenue. In other words, it’s fine-tuning the engine of your customer experience to achieve peak performance.

It revolves around seeking and identifying ways to make your customers' experiences with your brand better and more impactful. Plus, it involves analyzing data, conducting experiments and leveraging customer feedback to identify pain points, uncover opportunities and implement improvements.

It’s important to note that the optimization of CX is a continuous effort that aims to align all touchpoints, processes and interactions with customer expectations. By optimizing each stage of the customer's journey, businesses can increase customer satisfaction, drive loyalty, and ultimately, achieve business growth.

Customer Insights - what are customer insights?

Simply put, customer insights are the valuable understandings and observations derived from analyzing customer data and other relevant information.

If you're wondering, "what are Customer Insights?", they are the nuggets of knowledge that allow brands to make informed decisions and take targeted actions. These insights provide deeper understanding of customer behaviors, motivations, preferences, and pain points. By uncovering them, businesses can tailor their strategies and offerings to better meet customer needs and enhance the overall customer experience.

Customer insights are obtained through various methods, including data analysis, customer surveys, focus groups, and social listening. By leveraging them, businesses can identify trends, predict future behavior, and develop strategies that drive customer satisfaction, loyalty and, ultimately, business growth.

cj Customer Journey

CJ, short for Customer Journey, refers to the entire path a customer takes when interacting with a brand, from initial awareness to beyond the purchase.

When we talk about "CJ Customer Journey," we are referring to the story of how a customer discovers, engages and interacts with a brand. The customer journey encompasses touchpoints across all channels, such as websites, social media, advertisements, and physical stores. Understanding how customer journeys work allows brands to gain insights into customer behaviors, preferences, pain points, and moments of delight.

Companies can identify things such as opportunities for improvement, streamlining processes, and enhancing customer experiences simply by mapping out the customer journey. It’s particularly helpful to visualize the entire journey, enabling you to empathize with customers, identify pain points, and implement strategies to create more seamless and satisfying experiences.

Customer Journey Map

A customer journey map is a visual representation of the different stages, touchpoints, emotions, and perceptions a customer experiences when interacting with a brand. In other words, it’s a roadmap that provides a holistic view of the customer journey, which helps companies understand, analyze and optimize each step.

So, how do we define the customer journey map? It's like creating a visual storybook that captures the essence of your customers' experiences. It highlights the key moments of engagement, emotions, pain points, and opportunities for improvement throughout the entire journey.

But why is a customer journey map so important? Well, it allows businesses to gain a deeper understanding of their customers' needs, motivations and expectations, among others. It helps identify critical touchpoints, areas of friction, and moments of delight. This way, companies can make data-backed, informed decisions to enhance the overall customer experience.

Customer Loyalty - what dpes customer loyalty mean?

Customer loyalty refers to the emotional attachment and commitment that customers have towards a specific service, product or brand.

So, what does customer loyalty mean? It's about creating a strong bond with customers that goes far beyond transactional relationships. Customer loyalty is built through positive experiences, personalized interactions, consistent quality, and excellent customer service.  

Fostering loyalty in clients involves strategies to exceed their expectations, establish trust with them and cultivate a sense of belonging. This can be done through loyalty programs, personalized offers, exclusive benefits, and ongoing engagement initiatives.

To create a loyal customer base that continues to make repeat purchases and becomes brand advocates, companies need to focus on developing the aforementioned strategies.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Customer Relationship Management, also referred to as CRM, refers to a set of strategies, processes and technologies that help businesses effectively manage and nurture their relationships with customers. It's about keeping track of all your interactions with consumers to ensure they have a seamless and personalized experience.

At its core, CRM allows companies to gather, organize and analyze customer data to gain valuable insights. This information empowers companies to better understand their customers, anticipate their needs, and tailor their interactions accordingly. With CRM, you can provide timely and relevant support, offer personalized recommendations and build stronger connections with your customers.

Moreover, businesses can streamline their sales, marketing, and customer service processes by implementing a CRM system into their strategy. This way, they can enhance overall efficiency and effectiveness within the company. Ultimately, CRM helps you to deliver great experiences that keep your customers coming back for more.

Customer Retention - definition of customer retention

The definition of customer retention is quite simple: it’s all the strategies and activities implemented by organizations to keep existing customers engaged, satisfied and loyal over an extended period. In other words, it’s to build a strong foundation of repeat clients who continue to choose a brand and what they offer.

Basically, it's about nurturing and maintaining long-term relationships with customers. Customer retention involves understanding customer needs, providing exceptional experiences and delivering value with consistency. By doing so, businesses can reduce customer churn and maximize the lifetime value of each customer.

Customer retention strategies may include personalized communication, loyalty programs, proactive customer support, and ongoing customer engagement initiatives. By prioritizing the retention of clients, businesses can create a loyal customer base that not only continues to make repeat purchases but also becomes brand advocates, referring others and positively influencing the growth of the business.

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) measures the level of contentment that customers experience after interacting with a brand, product, or service. In other words, it’s a KPI used to measure how well a brand meets or exceeds customer expectations and fulfills their needs.

When we talk about Customer Satisfaction (CSAT), we're referring to the measurement and assessment of customer happiness and contentment. CSAT is typically measured through surveys or feedback mechanisms, where customers rate their satisfaction on a scale or provide qualitative feedback. This information helps businesses understand areas of improvement and identify strategies to boost the customer experience they deliver.

It’s one more metric through which businesses can foster customer loyalty, increase customer retention rates and generate referrals. Continuous monitoring of Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) enables businesses to proactively address issues and identify trends that will help them consistently meet or exceed consumer expectations.

Customer Sentiment - what is customer sentiment?

The prevailing attitudes, opinions and emotions expressed by customers regarding a brand, service, or product are what make up customer sentiment. In a way, it's like capturing the general mood and perception of customers towards your business.

So, what is customer sentiment? It's understanding the collective feelings and opinions of customers, which can range from positive to negative or anywhere in between. It’s often measured through sentiment analysis techniques, which analyze customer feedback, social media mentions, and online reviews to gauge the general sentiment towards a brand.

For companies, it’s a valuable source of insights into customer perceptions to identify areas of improvement and address concerns quickly and efficiently. Positive customer sentiment indicates customer satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy, while negative sentiment alerts businesses to potential issues that need to be resolved.

Customer Service

Customer service refers to the support and assistance provided to clients before, during and — especially— after their interactions with a brand. It involves a team of professionals that are friendly and knowledgeable who are committed to addressing customer needs, resolving issues and ensuring customer satisfaction on all levels.

Effective customer service is crucial for companies to build and maintain strong customer relationships. It includes actively listening to consumers, giving accurate and timely information, and offering solutions to their concerns and questions. Customer service can be delivered through various channels, such as phone, email, live chat, or in-person interactions. Of course, the channels used depend on each specific business.

Customer service is a fundamental pillar of the overall customer experience. Through it, companies can make or break their businesses. When it’s effective, it enhances CX, builds trust and grows loyalty. Customers who receive outstanding service are more likely to become advocates and repeat customers, contributing to the growth and success of the organization.

Customer Survey

A customer survey is a tool used to collect feedback, opinions and insights directly from customers. In a way, it’s like having a conversation with your customers that allows you to understand things like their thoughts, preferences, satisfaction levels, pain points, and viewpoints.

Customer surveys serve as a valuable source of information for businesses. This practice, when done correctly, not only allows companies to assess customer satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions, but it also helps marketing teams to put themselves in their clients’ shoes. This helps tailor and fine-tune their customer experiences so that they resonate with them.

The importance of customer surveys lies in their ability to uncover valuable insights that might otherwise go unnoticed. By asking the right questions and analyzing the responses, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their customers' needs, preferences and pain points.

What’s more, they can learn things like the specific terminologies the clients use, how they communicate, and what they expect when they interact with a company. This information can then be used to tailor offerings, optimize processes, and ultimately deliver a better overall experience that will keep them coming back for more.

cSM Customer Success Management

CSM (Customer Success Management) is a proactive approach focused on ensuring the long-term success and satisfaction of customers. It's similar to a dedicated coach who guides clients through their journeys, helping them maximize the value and benefits they derive from a product or service.

But CSM goes way beyond reactive customer support. In fact, it involves understanding customers' goals and aligning them with your offerings, providing tailored guidance and resources to help them achieve their desired outcomes. CSM drives customer retention, loyalty, and advocacy by proactively addressing challenges, identifying opportunities for growth, and fostering strong relationships.

Through strategies such as ongoing engagement, personalized onboarding, regular check-ins, and value-driven interactions, customer success management ensures that clients derive maximum value from their investment in your products or services.

By implementing CSM (Customer Success Management) practices, businesses can strengthen customer relationships, reduce churn and unlock opportunities for upselling or cross-selling. In short, CSM is about nurturing long-term partnerships and becoming a true growth enabler for your customers.

CXM Software

CXM software refers to all the different technology tools and platforms that allow businesses to manage and optimize the customer experience across touchpoints and interactions. Ultimately, it streamlines CXM processes and enhances customer engagement.

CXM software typically includes a range of functionalities, such as customer data management, journey mapping, personalization, analytics, and automation. It’s all the tools that facilitate gathering, analyzing and acting upon customer data, enabling them to deliver seamless, personalized, and consistent experiences.

A few examples of CXM software are CRMs, marketing automation platforms such as Adobe Marketo Engage, targeting and testing tools like Adobe Target, analytics software like Adobe Analytics, etc.

CXM Strategy

The term “CXM strategy” refers to the carefully crafted plan and approach that companies adopt to manage and enhance the overall customer experience. It involves defining customer journey maps, identifying touchpoints, and establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success.

Simply put, it’s about aligning business objectives with customer needs and expectations. Of course, client expectations and preferences, as well as market trends evolve and change continuously —and so should your CXM strategy. This is to say, such strategies require improvement and adaptation.  
A well-executed CXM strategy enables companies to create positive emotional connections with customers, foster loyalty, and drive customer advocacy.

Data Automation

Data automation refers to the process of using technology and algorithms to collect, process and analyze large volumes of data automatically without manual intervention. It involves automating data collection, integration, cleaning, and analysis processes to deliver reliable and real-time insights.

Simply put, data automation is the action of automating data-related tasks to streamline operations and improve efficiency and resources.

It helps companies handle data at a mass scale, while ensuring data accuracy and reducing the risk of human error. So, by implementing data automation, organizations can spend less time on manual data management tasks and focus more on utilizing data-driven insights to make informed decisions and improve CXM strategies.

Digital Customer Experience (DCX)

Digital customer experience (DCX) refers to the overall experience customers have when interacting with a brand through digital channels. It's all about crafting a captivating and intuitive online journey that makes customers feel connected, engaged, and satisfied.

Nowadays, DCX is of paramount importance. It encompasses everything from a user-friendly website to seamless mobile apps, chatbots and personalized emails. To meet customers’ expectations, companies need to create seamless digital customer experiences.

So, what is Digital customer experience (DCX)? It's making your digital presence feel like a warm and welcoming extension of your brand. It involves optimizing user interfaces, streamlining processes and leveraging technology to deliver delightful interactions. Needless to say, a great DCX is crucial for all-digital companies and companies with physical touchpoints alike.

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation refers to the process of integrating digital technologies and strategies across various aspects of a business to drive important factors like innovation, efficiency and customer-centricity. Going through digital transformation is all about embracing the power of digital solutions to transform traditional processes and deliver enhanced customer experiences.

Digital transformation encompasses adopting digital tools, automation, data analytics, cloud computing, and other emerging technologies to streamline operations, improve decision-making, and create value for both the business and its customers.

However, the specific digital transformation to undergo depends and varies on each particular situation. For example, when the COVID-19 pandemic first began, many companies —particularly B2B distributors, manufacturers, and wholesalers— that up until that point didn’t have an online presence, had to adopt digital transformation or risk getting left behind. In their case, digital transformation meant creating B2B ecommerce websites and adapting to only selling from scratch. In other cases, digital transformation might mean updating a legacy platform to accommodate the rising expectations of customers.

If companies embrace digital transformation, they can adapt to changing market dynamics, customer expectations and technological advancements. Plus, it enables them to leverage data-driven insights, deliver personalized experiences and stay ahead of the competition.

First-Party Data

First-party data refers to customer information that businesses collect directly from their own interactions and touchpoints with customers. It's the data that originates from the company's website, CRM system, app, or customer service interactions.

This type of data includes customer behavior, preferences, transaction history, and any other data collected through customer interactions. It is considered the most valuable type of data as it provides direct insights into customers and their engagement with the brand.

First-party data helps organizations create highly personalized experiences, tailor marketing campaigns, build stronger customer relationships, and boost consumer satisfaction.


Hyper-personalization is an advanced level of personalization that goes beyond traditional methods to create highly individualized experiences for each customer. It’s focused on delivering personalized experiences that are so precise, they feel tailor-made for every single customer.

So, what is hyper-personalization? It's the practice of using advanced data analytics, machine learning and automation to create unique and highly personalized experiences for individual customers. Hyper-personalization considers not only demographic and transactional data but also behavioral patterns, preferences and contextual information.

Through hyper-personalization, brands can create relevant content, product recommendations and special offers to each customer based on their specific interests and context. In the end, this level of personalization enhances customer satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty; creating deeper connections between the customer and the brand.

Machine Learning (ML)

Machine learning, commonly referred to as ML, is a branch of artificial intelligence that enables software systems to learn and improve from experience without explicit programming. Moreover, machine learning algorithms have the capacity to analyze large datasets to identify patterns and make predictions.

In the context of CXM and marketing, ML plays a crucial role in understanding customer behaviors and preferences. Mainly, it is used to analyze customer data and interactions, predict customer preferences, and recommend personalized content and offers in real time.

By leveraging this type of AI, businesses can deliver hyper-personalized experiences, optimize marketing campaigns, and predict customer churn. So, in essence, machine learning empowers companies to proactively cater to customer needs, boost engagement, and achieve better marketing outcomes.

Martech (Marketing Technology)

Martech (Marketing technology), refers to the platforms, tools, and software that allow companies to implement, manage, and analyze their marketing activities and campaigns. We like to think of it as the ecosystem of technological solutions designed to support marketing efforts.

In essence, Martech (Marketing Technology) is the combination of technologies and digital tools that enable organizations to automate marketing tasks, gain insights into customer behavior, optimize campaigns, and measure performance.

Nowadays, Martech encompasses a wide range of technologies. For instance, some of these are customer relationship management (CRM) systems, email marketing software, social media management tools, analytics platforms, content management systems (CMS), and more.


Marketing automation refers to the use of tech and software to automate and streamline repetitive marketing tasks, processes and workflows. This type of automation has been created so that marketing teams can execute their activities more efficiently and effectively.

So, what does marketing automation mean? It means leveraging technology to automate tasks such as email marketing, lead nurturing, customer segmentation, campaign management, and data recollection and analysis. It allows marketers to deliver personalized messages at scale, nurture leads, optimize marketing efforts, and free up valuable team time for other tasks that can’t be automated.

Businesses can save time, reduce manual effort, deliver targeted and timely communications, and A/B test their efforts by implementing marketing automation. Plus, automation enables brands to send relevant messages based on customer behaviors and preferences in real time, ultimately enhancing engagement and conversion rates.


Micro-segmentation, especially in the context of marketing, refers to the practice of dividing a target audience into small and highly specific segments based on shared characteristics, preferences, behaviors, and contextual information. This practice involves zooming in on distinct groups within your overall customer base to create tailored marketing strategies.

When we talk about "micro-segmentation marketing," we're referring to the process of identifying and targeting niche segments with personalized messages and offerings. This gives brands the opportunity to truly understand the unique needs of each segment and deliver highly relevant content and experiences.

By applying micro-segmentation, companies can easily tailor their marketing efforts to specific customer groups, ensuring that messages resonate with their interests and needs.

Omnichannel - What does Omnichannel mean?

Omnichannel refers to a customer-centric approach that provides a seamless and integrated experience across multiple channels and touchpoints. Its purpose is to ensure that customers can interact with a brand consistently, regardless of the channels or devices they use.

Let’s break it down some more in case you’re still wondering, "what does omnichannel mean?".
Essentially, it means breaking down the barriers between online and offline interactions to create a cohesive experience. Omnichannel allows customers to start an interaction on one channel and seamlessly continue it on another, without any disruption.

By adopting an omnichannel strategy, brands can deliver a consistent and personalized experience at every touchpoint —whether it's a website, social media, physical store, or customer service call. This holistic makes it possible to meet customers where they are, providing convenience, choice, and a seamless journey across channels.


Personalization is the practice of tailoring experiences, messages and offerings to meet the unique needs and preferences of individual customers. It's about customizing a product, service or marketing campaign to fit perfectly with each customer, making them feel understood and valued.

In the world of CXM, personalization is key. By leveraging customer data and insights, brands can deliver targeted and relevant experiences that resonate with customers on a personal level. Personalization can be applied to various aspects of the customer journey, such as website content, product recommendations, email marketing, and customer support.

Personalization not only enhances the customer experience but also drives customer satisfaction, loyalty, and more importantly, business success. Nowadays, consumers demand and expect tailored experiences that meet their unique needs from the companies they engage with. Through personalization, businesses can foster stronger relationships with their consumers and create a competitive advantage in the market.  


Real-time data refers to information and insights that are updated and available instantaneously, without any delay. This way, companies can have access to the most current and up-to-date data at any given moment.

Still wondering what does real-time data mean? Don’t fret, we’ve got you covered! To explain the concept a bit further: it’s about having access to data as it is generated and processed in the present moment. This means that through real-time data, companies can respond quickly to customer interactions and engagement.

In short, real-time data is what allows businesses to make informed decisions on the fly, deliver personalized content and offers in the moment, and optimize customer interactions for better engagement. It's an undeniable asset in delivering seamless and contextually relevant customer experiences.


Are you wondering, "what is real-time decisioning?". Well, the term refers to the ability to make data-driven decisions and take action in real-time based on customer interactions and contextual information. It's all about responding to customers' needs and preferences at the moment they occur.

In other words, it's the capability to process and analyze customer data instantly to deliver personalized and relevant experiences. Real-time decisioning involves leveraging data, analytics and automation to make informed decisions in the moment of customer engagement.

It enables businesses to provide tailored recommendations, offers, and support, resulting in enhanced customer satisfaction and engagement. So, by applying real-time decisioning, companies can respond to customer behaviors and needs in a timely manner.


In the context of marketing, segmentation refers to the process of dividing a target market into distinct groups based on shared characteristics, needs, behaviors, etc. Essentially, it's about organizing customers into meaningful segments to better understand and cater to their specific requirements and goals.

Segmentation allows brands to tailor their offerings to different buyer personas and ICP groups and create targeted marketing strategies as well. By grouping customers with similar preferences and/or characteristics, businesses can develop more relevant messaging, offers and experiences.

Attributes such as demographics, psychographics, behaviors, purchase history, and engagement level factor in when segmenting groups. All in all, segmentation helps companies allocate resources effectively and deliver personalized experiences while maximizing customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Self-service refers to the provision of tools, resources, or platforms that enable customers to independently fulfill their needs, find information, or resolve issues without direct assistance from a company representative. In short, it's about empowering customers to take control and access the information or services they need on their own terms.

Self-service options can include knowledge bases, FAQs, online forums, chatbots, interactive guides, and user-friendly interfaces that facilitate independent problem-solving and information retrieval.

By offering self-service capabilities, businesses can improve customer convenience, reduce support costs and enhance overall customer satisfaction. Needless to say, users appreciate the ability to find answers and solutions quickly and efficiently, without having to rely on traditional support channels.

Third-Party Data

Third-party data refers to customer information collected and aggregated by external sources that businesses can use to enrich their understanding of customers.

In other words, it is data obtained from sources outside the organization's direct interactions with customers. Third-party data is often acquired from data providers or vendors and can include demographic information, online behavior, interests, purchase intent, and more. Businesses can use this data to complement their first-party data strategy and gain additional insights into their customer base.

By leveraging third-party data, businesses can enrich customer profiles, refine their targeting, and deliver more personalized experiences. Keep in mind that it's absolutely essential to ensure data privacy and compliance when using third-party data to maintain trust with users.


In marketing, a touchpoint refers to any point of interaction or communication between a customer and a brand. It's like a moment of connection that occurs throughout the customer journey.

So, what is a touchpoint in marketing? It's like every instance where a customer comes into contact with a brand, either online or offline. Touchpoints can include website visits, customer service calls, social media interactions, emails, advertisements, physical stores, and more.

Each touchpoint presents an opportunity for a brand to make an impression, influence customer perception and deliver a positive CX. By strategically managing them, companies can ensure consistency and alignment with their brand values —not to mention personalization.  

The goal, overall, is to create seamless transitions between touchpoints and leave a lasting, positive impact on customers.  

UI (User Interface)

User Interface, also referred to as UI, refers to the visual and interactive elements of a product or system that users interact with. It's the graphical interface and controls that enable users to navigate and engage with a digital platform.

UI plays a key role in enhancing the overall User Experience (UX). It focuses on elements like a website’s layout, typography, color scheme, icons, buttons, and other visual components that facilitate user interaction.

Brands can create positive first impressions, enhance usability, and guide users through their journey by designing intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces. A well-designed UI mainly focuses on user behavior, visual hierarchy and accessibility, ensuring a smooth and engaging experience.

Unified Data

Unified data refers to the integration and consolidation of customer data from various sources into a single, coherent view. It's like creating a complete and comprehensive picture of each customer by merging data from different touchpoints and channels.

When data is unified, it means that all relevant customer information (such as purchase history, website interactions, email engagement, and customer support interactions) is combined into individual customer profiles.

Unified data gives companies the possibility to have a holistic understanding of each customer. This way, they can deliver consistent experiences across channels and personalize interactions based on the entire customer journey. It is a key enabler of effective CXM and marketing efforts.  

UX (User Experience)

UX, short for User Experience, encompasses the overall experience and satisfaction that a user has while interacting with a product, service, or digital interface. It's the sum of all the impressions, emotions and perceptions a user has throughout their journey.

UX is crucial for businesses as it determines how users perceive and interact with their offerings. It involves various elements, including ease of use, navigation, visual design, responsiveness, and overall satisfaction.

With UX, brands aim to create intuitive and delightful experiences that meet user needs and exceed expectations. Through key factors such as user research, usability testing and iterative design, companies can optimize their products and services to deliver exceptional experiences that resonate with their target audience.

Voice of Customer (VoC)

Voice of Customer (VoC) refers to the collective insights, feedback, and opinions expressed by customers about their experiences with a brand, product, or service.

To better define voice of customer, it's the practice of actively collecting, analyzing, and using customer feedback and sentiment to inform business decisions and improve the overall customer experience. Its methods of collection include surveys, customer feedback channels, social media listening, and online reviews.

When companies pay attention to the VoC, they gain valuable insights into customer perceptions and areas for improvement. This, in turn, helps them make data-driven decisions and implement strategies that address customer needs and enhance satisfaction.